Sodium Bicarbonate 99%6 is a veny useful chemical compound having the chemicalformula NaHC03. tis a sat made up of a sodium cation and a bicarbonate anion
Chemical Appearance
Sodium Bicarbonate 999 has the appearance of a white cstaine solid that is often seen inthe powder form. tis odouress.It has a sighty salty and alkaline taste
similar to that of washing soda.
chemical Applications and Strengths
Sodium Bicarbonate 999 is an extremely efficient chemical compound and therefore,has many industrial applications.ts main aplications and strengths are.
Sodium Bicarbonate 99% is most popularly used in cooking. ts primany use in baking is as a leavening agent it causes the expansion and rise ofthe battel
giving it a characteristic texture.
It is used with sourdough to make a lighter product with less acidic taste
In the presence of heat, it rises on its own because of thermal decomposition
It is used in the making of baking powder which is alkaline and unlike baking soda it does not reguire any acidic ingredient for activation
lt is used in pyrotechnics. lt is a major component of black stone firework
It is used to delay combustion reactions.
It is used as a mild disinfectant. it has weak disinfecting properties but can be used as a fungicide for some organisms
lt is also used as a fire extinguisher to extinguish small fires because it releases carbon dioxide
It is also used for the neutralisation ofunwanted acid solutions or acid spills.
It has useful medicinal and health uses, t is used for treatina acid ingestion and heartburn.
It is commonly used in personal hygiene products such as mouthwashes etc.
It is used as a cattle feed supplement
It is widely used as a cleaning agent
It is also very useful for odour control
Buy Sodium Bicarbonate 99%
Xiongda Chemical stocks sodium Bicarbonate 99% in various packaing along with other industrial chemicals for sale. Contact us for a FREE auotation