chemical appearance:
Oxalic acid presents as white transparent crystals that combine two water cnystals,.it appears in two types,the anhydrous and dilydrate fom.The dihydrate has watei
molecules while the anhydrous one does not have any water crystals. Both types are soluble in water and are odorless
chemical application and strengths:
The acid is made from the oxidation of qlucose in the presence of nitric acid. it is alo prepared by carboxylation of alcohol.The resulting acid has a strong
reducing property while its conjugate base makes for a great chelating agent. This strength alows it to be ued in the polishing of marble, bleaching and in
removal of rust it is also effective in the removal of dir in leather, wood and aluminum products during the manufacturing process
n the metaluray industny itis used as a precipitating agentwhere it removes metal paricles trom sluries, t is aiso etective in the separation of rare earth
metals from their ores, Precipitation happens when the acid forms compounds with metal ions in sludge causing them to form insoluble salts. These metals
then precipitate at the top of the slurry for collection
In the pharmaceutical industny,oxalic acid combines with other organic slats to for a wide range of medical preparations that include tetracycline.
oxytetracvcline and Bomeol in the Dveing and priting industn,the acid is a good reducing agentin the dyeing process. some manufacturers use it as a
substitute to aceti acid where itacts asa coloing mordantin fast piaments in dyes it is alo used forthe remowal ofstubborn stains inyaious tpes of fabics
Oxalic acid also has several appications in the electronics industn, irst it is used in the preparation ofthe electron eauioment detergent.0ther manufacturers
use it in aluminum anodizing with or without sulfuric acid.
Buy Oxalic Acid :
Xiongda Chemical has oxalic acid for sale well as other types of industrial chemicals for sale. Contact us today for more details and a fREE quote