Benzyl Hydroxamic Acid

CAS Number

  • 99 495-18-1

Other trading names

  • Benzyl Hydroximic Acid

Types of Packaging

  • Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) drum with 1000kg capacity/drum

  • Use plastic woven bags with 80 kg weight capacity per bag and steel drums with 100 kg weight capacity per drum.

HS Code: 292800

Availability: In stock


Product overview
Chemical appearance
Benzy Hvdroxamic Acid has pinkish colour appearance t comesin a powderfake aopearswhich is soluble in specific organic soltionsand alo in water talo has
subtle distinct odour.
chemical application and strength
Benzyl Hydroxamic Acid or Benzyl Hydroximic Acid is a very good colector and flotation agent with various metalic ores and ones which are very dificult to extract by
other colectors, These incude smithsonite, tinstone, wolframite. and scheelite. fin the rioht conditions BHA is a areat colector and has hioh selectivity.
Can be dispersed in hot water and in various organic solutions.
.When used as an anionic collector, it has a great selectivity in the flotation process of ron, tungsten, and other rare earth materials
lt is a good collector which has the ability to split ilmenite from related gangue minerals.
BHA has been proven to be a better fotation agent compared to oleate
When BHA is used as the collector, the flotation of wolframite is greatly activated by Pb cations
Buy Benzyl Hydroxamic Acid >26%
At Xiongda Chemical, we have Benzyl Hvdroxamic Acid for sale as wellas other fiotation collectors for sale, Please do contact us for a FREE quotation

Index Value
Nitrogen content % ≥ 3.5 %
Expiry Date 24 months or 2 years


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