Antimonium Tartrate Potassium

CAS Number:
Other Trading Names:
  • Antimony Potassium Tartrate
  • Potassium Antimonyl Tartrate
  • Emetic Tartar
  • Potassium Antimontarterate
Types of Packaging
  • 25kg bags packaging
  • 25kg plastic drum packaging
HS Code: 16039-64-8

Availability: In stock
Antimonium lartrate Potassium is a chemical maiorly used in heathcare and medicine. tis used as an emetic substance to induce vomiting or cause nausea. t is
also helnfu in the treatment of leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis The chemica substance is prouced ovthe reacion of Antimony tioxide and potasium hudroger
tartrate. The chemical formula of the compound is K2Sb2(C4H206)2 .3 H20.
Chemical Appearance
Antimonium Tartrate Potassium is a white crystaline powder.The chemicalis odorles and may sometimes be coloness.itis maiory produced in the hvdrate fom. t
is mildly soluble in water with a solubility of 83 ah00 ml0 ‘c) and 35,9 a00 ml (00 ‘cl it is toxic ifswallowed but non-toxic to the human skin.
Chemical Applications and strengths
Antimonium Tartrate Potasium is a unigue chemical with limited functions, t is used in the fabrics and leather.making industries, t also finds application in
healthcare, Some of the functions of Antimonium Tartrate Potassium are.
t is used as a drving agent in fabric making, The chemical aids the fast drving of alkaline dves when used on cotton fabrics
It also serves as a mordant for alkaline dyes on fabrics. lt improves the soaping and washing of such fabrics.
The chemical can also be used as a mordant by leather-making companies
In healthcare, it is used in the treatment of leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis.
It can be used as an emetic substance to induce vomiting in animals by animal scientists, This helps them to study the diets of the animals
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Maximum of 0.002
pH Value
Solubility (In water)
8.3 g/100 mL (0 °C) 35.9 g/100 mL (100 °C)
% Loss on drying (105°C)
Maximum of 2.7


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