Liquid Chlorine / Sodium Hypochlorite (Available 8%-15%)

CAS Number:


Other Trading Names:

  • Liquid Chlorine

  • Bleach

  • Chloride of soda

  • Antiformin

Type of Packaging :

  • 30kg drum

  • 1200kg IBC Tank

HS Code: 282890

Availability: In stock

Chemical appearance:
The substance has a yellow transparent appearance. it comes in both anhydrous and pentahydrate forms. it has sweet smellwith a slight feel of chlorine gas
PS: Sodium Hypochlorite loses potency over long distances, Therefore confirm estimated percentage on arrival before purchase.
Chemical application and strengths:
The anhydrous sodium hypochlorite is high unstable and discomposes in an explosion.
For this reason, the salt is commonly sold in the pentahydrate form which is less dangerous
Nevertheless, the pentahydrate reacts with various metals such as zinc to create a hydroxide
lt also reacts with carbon dioxide in the water to form sodium also reacts with various nitrogen compound to form volatile nitrogen
One of the most popular uses of sodium hypochlorite is its use as a household bleach
.It is one ofthe most popular bleaches in the market. The solutions contain about 3 per cent to about 8 per cent ofsodium hypochlorite and the abou
0.05 per cent ofthe sodium hydroxide
The hvdroxide is used to slow down the decomposition of sodium hypochlorite.These bleaches can alo be used for the removal of mold stains or teeth
that have been stained by fuorosis.
It is also an efective household cleaner that remowes yanous stains in crookery esnecially those that have heen caused bv tea and cofee stains its
cleaning capabilities also make it a good surface cleaner
.In public health facilities, the substance used as a disinfectant itreacts with organic dirt through the process of oxidation and hydrolysis, similar with the
process of making soap.
This makes any organic matter that comes into contact with the solution to become water soluble. This way, facilities are able to neutraize anyinfectious
body fluids matter or blood and deal with any odor that may be coming from organic dirt.
Buy Sodium Hypochlorite :
Xiongda Chemical stocks sodium Hypochlorite in various package sizes along with many other water treatment chemicals for sale. Contact us to get for a free quote
Available Chlorine
Free Alkali
0.005% Max
0.1 – 1%
10 Min
Specific Gravity
1.2 Min
Light yellow-green Liquid



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