Sodium Isobutyl Xanthate (SIBX) >90%

CAS Number:


Other Trading Names:

  • Aero 317 Xanthate

  • NAX-41

Type of Packaging :

  • 180 Kg sealed drums

  • 900Kg wooden boxes

HS Code: 290519

Availability: In stock

chemical appearance:
Sodum lsobuty! Xanthate (siB% is avalable in the form of pale yellow crstals or powdered form inthe pure state.ltis also avallable in the form of a the
solid form, iBx absorbs moisture from the ar, and so,it is known as a hygroscopic substance. siBx emits the odor of carbon disulfde that is somewhat the same as
that of decaying cabbage.In some cases, siBx can emit avery faint unpleasant or sulfurousodor. iBx is readly soluble in water and could form insoluble compounds
with different metallic ions.
The uses of sodlum lsobuty Xanthate lSlBX) as a colector are widely is a credible flotation reagent for diferent nonferrous metaic sulfide is
primarily implemented for the flotation of copper, lead, zinc sulfide ores as well as the sulfide ores of other preclous metals
Chemical application and strengths
The uses of odlum sobuty! Xanthate (slBX) as a collector are widely known.ltis a credible fotation reagent for diferent nonferous metalic sulfde ores
It is primarly implemented for the fotation ofcopper, lead,zinc sulfide ores as wel as the sulfide ores ofother precious metals. However the strength of
S1B% as a flotation reagent has been largely evident in the case ofthe flotation of copper ores and pyrtes. The primany structure of siBx as a xanthate is
the notable reason for its effectiveness as a collector in the flotation process for sulfide ores
The other trivial applications of sodium lsobuty Xanthate (slB%) are evident in its use for curing and vulcanization ofrubber. slBx serves as a promising
antioxidant for rubber Ffurthermore, SlBx also finds appicatons as a fortifing agent for specific ols as well as in analytical procedures.The properties such as
odor and sulfur content of slB% also make it an ideal choice for herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides.Ffurthermore, slx is also used in the froth fotation process
for soils contaminated with mercury and also as a high-pressure lubricant additive.
Buy Sodium lsobutyl Xanthate:
At Xiongda Chemical, we have sodium lsobuty! Xanthate for sale as wellas other flotation reagents for sale. Please do contact us for a FREE quotation.
Specification (Dry Pellet)
Active Component
Free Alkali
Moisture and Volatility
Water Soluble


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