Product overview
Dithiophosphates 25 is a liquid substance that has a brown-black appearance.This liquid is corrosive which alo has a pungent odor. That is an infammable
substance, that is also sparingly soluble in water.
chemical Appearance
The Dithiophosphates 25is a black color substance that is made collectively from copper, lead,actiated 2inc sulfide ore, and silver sulfide ore. ts molecular formula s
C7H7012pssH. This product act with al the three medlum that implies the acidic, basic and neutral medlum.The maior component of this chemical is
Phosphorodithioic acid bis(methyl phenyl)ester.
chemical Application and strengths
The Dithiophosphates 25 has various applications and attractive points which are described below:
This chemical is used in various rubber related products.
It is used to collect foams due to its foaming properties.
Dithiophosphates 25 is used in the float separation process, that separates the lead and zinc ore.
This chemical has a weak collecting effect on pyrite and other sulfide minerals.
Dithiophosphate 25 has a strong collecting effect on a heavy oxidized ore.
The chemical is slightly soluble in water.
The chemical is easily added up to the ball mill or adiustment tanks.
This chemical is useful in the flotation test, and this can be carried out in a single or mixture of the diferent collectors.
Chemical named Dithiophosphates 25 also acts as a suitable accelerator.
It is a powerful product that could replace the DPG.
This product should be stored under the cool storage area or it should be ventilated at some warehouses
Buy Dithiophosphates 25
This product is avalable at “Xiongda Chemical “, currently, the Dithiophosphates 25 as well as other products that are avallable on our website, are on sale. For a free
quotation or any kind of knowledge, you can contact us anytime. *Xiongda Chemical ” is always ready to help their customers.
Mining Chemicals
CAS Number of Dithiophosphates is: 84605-29-8.
Other Trading Names
Type of Packaging
Plastic drums of various quantities are used for packaging purposes.
Availability: In stock
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