Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate

CAS Number:


Other Trading Names:

  • Iron Sulfate Heptahydrate
  • Iron (II) Sulfate Heptahydrate.
  • Iron (2+) Sulfate Heptahydrate
  • Melanterite Mineral
  • Green Vitriol

Types of Packaging

  • PP bags with 25 kg weight capacity per bag
  • Palletised 25 kg PP bags
  • Jumbo bags

HS Code: 28332910

Availability: In stock



Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate is a hydrate that is a heptahydrate
form of iron (2+) sulfate. lt is a very useful salt which is made as a result of oxidation of pyrite. its
chemical formula is FesO4.7H20.
chemical Appearance
Ferrous sulfate Heptahydrate has the appearance of a blue-green crystalline solid. lt is highly soluble in water.
chemical Applications and Strengths
Ferous sulfate Heptahydrate is an extremely eficient chemical compound and therefore, has many industrial aplications. its main aplicatons and strengths are.
Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate is most popularly used in minina as a fluid property modulator.
It is used for the extraction of oil and gas.
It is used in the manufacturing of various medicinal drugs
It is used in general adhesives.
In the agricultural industry it is used for lowering the pH of highly alkaline soil.
lt is used as a soil amendment so that plants have access to the nutrients of the soil.
It is used in horticulture for treating the issue of iron chlorosis.
It has lona lasting effects
It is used in fertilisers, pesticides, and herbicides.
lf mixed with compost and dung in the soil. it can create a store which can last for a long period of time
It is also used as a lawn conditioner and moss killer.
It is used to stain concrete,sandstones, and limestones
It is used as a pigment by woodworkers to colour maple wood
It is used as a colorant for drugs, food, and inks.
.It is used in the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia as a source of iron. lt acts as an anti anaemic reagent.
It is used for the surface treatment of metals.
It is also used for sewage and water treatment.
Buy Ferrous sulfate Heptahydrate
Xiongda Chemical stocks Ferrous sulfate Heptahvdrate in various packaging along wth other industrial chemicals for sale. ontact us for a fREE quotation.

Item Value
Purity 98%
Fe 19.7%
Pb 0.0020%
As 0.0005%
Cd 0.0005%
Water Insoluble 0.5%


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