Isopropyl thiocarbamate/O-isopropyl-n-ethyl thiocarbamate ≥ 95%

CAS number


Other firm

  • O-isopropyl – n-ethyl thiocarbamate
  • Use plastic buckets with a weight of 200 kg per barrel

Packaging type

  • Medium bulk Container (IBC) drums with a capacity of 1000 kg/barrel
  • Use plastic buckets with a weight of 200 kg per barrel

Customs Code: 293020

Inventory: available



Product overview
chemical appearance
lsopropyl thy! Thionocarbamate or 0 – lsopropyl- N – Ethyl Thionocarbamate has a type of dark brown or amber colour and comes in a liquid fomm with an olil
consistency. lt is partially dissolvable in water and has a density of 990 -1004 kg/m?
Chemical application and strength
lsopropyl Ethy Thionocarbamate or 0 – lsopropyl – N – Ethy! Thionocarbamate is another strong type of colector which has characteristics of having strong colectior
in the flotation process of various nonferrous metallic sulfides
.Partially soluble in water but is highly soluble in benzene, petroleum ether, alcohol, ethyl ether, and many more
Has weak collective power with regards to pyrites, but is very selective in the flotation process of various sulfide ores
It should be placed in an environment away from exposure to water and extreme heat from fire and sunlight. t should always be placed upright and neve
upside down
Compared to xanthates it has a better frothing ability
lsopropyl Ethyl Thionocarbamate dosages offered are lower than that of xanthates.
Very good collectors in the flotation circuits of copper – molybdenum or copper – gold.
Effective when in alkaline conditions and is powerful in the separation of highly oxidized ores
Buy lsopropyl Ethyl Thionocarbamate >95%
At Xiongda Chemical, we have lsopropyl Ethyl Thionocarbamate 2 95% for sale as well as other flotation collectors for sale. Please do contact us for a FREE quotation.

Isopropyl Alcohol % ≤

Index Value
O – Isopropyl – N – Ethyl Thionocarbamate % ≥ 95 %
Isopropyl Alcohol % ≤ 20%
Diethyl Thiourea 2.0%
Density 990 – 1004 kg/m3
Expiry Date 1 year or 12 months


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