Potassium Amyl Xanthate 90% (PAX 90%)

CAS Number:


Other Trading Names:

  • AERO 350 Xanthate

  • PAX

  • AERO Xanthate 350

  • NAX-51


  • 50Kg plastic woven bags

  • 120kg iron drums

  • 850-900Kg wooden cases

HS Code: 293090

Availability: In stock



chemical appearance:
Potasium Amy! Xanthate (PA% is avalable in the form ofyellowish or pale-grey cnystals or in the form of free.lowing powder in the purest state.PAx is alo avalabl
in the form of a solution. PA% is highly water-soluble and emits a slightyunpleasant odor that is similar to that of carbon disulfide orthat of decaying cabbage.
Another property of PAX is the absorption of moisture from air i…. hygroscopic nature
Chemical application and strengths:
.The properties of PAX as a Xanthate make it the ideal collector for various nonferous metalic ores. Potasium Amyl xanthate is the perect choice for fotation
processes of nonferous metalic ores as a strong yet non-selective colector, PAx works efectively as a flotation reagentin the fotation of oxide minerals such as
oxidized sulfide, lead. and copper ores.PAX is also a popular lotation collector for copper-nickel sulfide and auriferous pvrite,thereby indicating its application
In the extraction of precious metals,PA% is also implemented in the mining industy as a colector for the’scavenger fiotation operations, Furthermore. PAx alse
finds notable applications as a rubber chemica
The other industrial uses of PA% include its applications as intermediates in various manufacturing processes. PAxis alo known for its use as processing aids in
rare instances, Furthermore, PAX is also ideal as a surface-active agent
The strengths of PAX make its chemical application as a fiotaion reagent productive. it is easy to manufacture and handle in its solid pellet form. Most
important of all.PAX shows efective perormance in the recoveny of buk sulfde minerals in a andom manner in addition itcan also be complemented with
lime to provide a normal pH operating a range of 9 to 12
Buy Potassium Amyl Xanthate:
At Xiongda Chemical. we have Potassium Amyl Xanthate for sale as wellas other fiotation reagents for sale, Please do contact us for a FREE quotation.

Index Grade 1 Grade 2
Activity 85% Min 90% Min
Moisture and Volatility 10% Max 4% Max
Free Alkali 0.5% Max 0.2% Max


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