Sodium Ethyl Xanthate (SEX) 90%

CAS Number: 140-90-9

Other Trading Names:

  • Flottec SEX

  • FloMin C 3200

  • AERO 325

Type of Packaging :

  • 50kg Plastic Woven Bags

  • 110 kg Steel Drum

  • 800 kg Wooden Box

HS Code:  380210

Availability: In stock



chemical appearance:
Sodium ethyl xanthate or SEX is typicaly a yellowish powder or pellet hat is soluble in water.itis a xanthate based on the c2 alky ethy alcohol in the sodium salt
chemical application and strengths:
.sodium ethyl xanthate or SEX is used in mining as a fotation agent. it is used as a collector and xanthate used especialyin copper mines
* It can be used for fotation of various minerals that are actiated or hvdrophobic and foat easily such as lead, cobalt zinc and nickel it can form insoluble
compounds with these metallic ions
Sodium ethyl xanthate is especialy important in in froth fotation, where it is used to separate hydrophobic materials from hydrophilic. in mining this is an
important operation to recover sulide ores, For ores such as copper, this proceslowers the costs of recoveng low grade ores and can save mining companles
processing costs.
SEX is used a highly selective collector and is the strongest among the is favored for flotation of easily foatable or complex sulfide minerals. it is
used in such ores in conjunction with vulcanizing agents.
.SEX is also used as precipitant in hvdrometalurgical processes such as the refining of zinc electrolyte and as sulfidation promoter ofrubber
According to a study by Marcel Deker, sEx works by forming a hydrophobic layer when the polar part of xanthate molecule attaches to the ore particles with
the non-polar hydrocarbon part. the particlesthen ise to the water surface due to air bubbles, Typically on a very small amount of sEx is needed for eficient
SEX is part of a family of other Xanthates are used in the mining in the recovery of metalsulphides. the eficiency of xanthates as mineral collectors increases
with the length of the carbon chain but this results in a decrease in the selectivity.
Buy Sodium Ethyl Xanthate:
At Xiongda Chemical, we have sodium lsopropy! Xanthate for sale as wellas other mining chemicals for sale. please do contact us for a FREE quotation
Sodium ethyl xanthate %≥
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