Sodium Isopropyl Xanthate (SIPX) >=90%

CAS Number:


Other Trading Names:

  • Proxan-Sodium

  • Sodium salt

  • AERO 343

  • Flomin C3330

  • Flottec SIPX

Type of Packaging :

  • 180Kg drums

  • 900Kg wooden boxes

HS Code: 293020

Availability: In stock



Chemical appearance:
Sodium sopropyl xanthate (lP% is avalable inthe solid powder fom orin the shape of pellets.sipx hasthe appearance of white to yellowish deliquescent solid in
the powder form. The color ofthe siPx pelets varies from yellow to gren.In the solid powder form, iPx emits a slightly pungent odour. in the pelet fom. iPX emits
a sulphur like odour.
chemicalapplication and strengths:
The strength of SlPx for colection is slightly higher than that of ethyl xanthate.Therefore, it serves as the perect tool for the flotation of nonferrous metallic
sulfide minerals in the form of a collector, Xanthates have been known for being an integral par of sulfide mineral fotation.SiPx is actualy a salt that contains a
non-polar hdrocarbon group that helps in the hvdrophobic nature of sulfide material,thereby pointing out from the mineral to the solution. The salt alo
contains a polar group that adsorbs onto the sulfide mineral surface
The strengths of iPx are clearly evident in its cost- effectivenessin comparison to renowned specialty colector. ipx is easy to manufacture, and their
avalabilityin the solid pelet fom helps in conwenient and simpler handing. Therefore, SipX is one ofthe common choices as a fiotation reagent in the case of
non-ferrous metal sulfides.
SlPx also finds applications in the phamaceutical industny for manufacturing drugs such as Pantoprazole. SiPx also reduces the risks of hazards due to the
flammable Cs2 liquid and is also assumed as a carier in the production of pharmaceutical products. slPx alo finds prominent applications as an herbicide
froth flotation agent in soils contaminated with mercury, and as an antioxidant and rubber curing agent.
Buy Sodium lsopropyl Xanthate (slPX):
At Xiongda Chemical, we have sodium sopropyl xanthate for sale as well as other fotation reagents for sale. please do contact us for a FREE quotation

Index Grade 1
Active Component ≥90%
Free Alkali ≤0.2%
Moisture and Volatility ≤4.0%
Solubility Water Soluble


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